Spicy Cucumber Buttermilk Cooler

Servings: 2 people
Cuisine: Indian
Course: Drinks
Time: 15 minutes
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Beat the heat with a blend of fresh cucumbers and buttermilk. The Spicy Cucumber Buttermilk Cooler is the perfect way to stay hydrated this summer. Try out this quick and easy recipe.


  • 1 cup curd
  • 2 cups diced cucumbers
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1-2 green chillies chopped
  • 2 tbsp green coriander leaves
  • 2 tbsp mint leaves
  • 1 tsp black salt (kala namak)
  • Ice cubes as required 


  • To begin, dice the cucumbers leaving their skins on. Blend together with coriander leaves, mint leaves, and green chillies until smooth.
  • Add in curd, water, black salt, and ice cubes. Blend again until light and frothy.
  • To serve, add ice cubes to serving glasses.
  • Pour in the cooler. Garnish with a sprig of mint.
  • The Spicy Cucumber Buttermilk Cooler is ready to serve.


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This blog post is part of the blog challenge Blogaberry Dazzle hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.

This post was created for the Blogaberry Creative (Monthly) Challenge.

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Spicy Cucumber Buttermilk Cooler